About us

What We Do

  • Promote Unity, good will, close cooperation feeling brotherhood and healthy atmosphere among different communities.
  • Propagate literacy and to uplift the poor's and needy people, arrange uniforms, buy books and stationery, and provide scholarships for the orphans and needy students.
  • Provide relief and fundraising for people affected by natural disasters.
  • Promote technical education eg. computer classes, stitching, or painting classes for underprivileged women and children so that it can make the eligible for self financial support.
  • Organize medical camps, educational awareness camps, and workshops on cupping therapy.
  • Organize food langars, distribute ready-to-eat packed foods in various festivals.
  • Arrange ambulance for needy women, children, and senior citizen.
Promote Education

Our primary mission is to promote education among all the children who, for any reason, can not afford to continue their education.

Enabling Health to All

We try our best to ensure proper medical services to all. Periodically, we organize medical camps to provide free health checkups and medicine for no cost.

Food and Grains

We provide packaged food and grains in festivals and other occasions as the need may be. We also supply basic necessities to flood or riot affected areas where a lot of people become homeless and helpless.

Meet Our Team

Hakeem Tariq Islahi
Hakeem Tariq Islahi
Dr Nazish Azmi
Dr. Mohd Nazish Azmi
Dr Aurangzeb Azmi
Dr. Aurangzeb Azmi
Dr. Khursheed Ansari
Dr. Khursheed Ansari
H Azmi
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